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Business Succession Planning

We understand the ultimate goal of most closely held organizations is either to become a legacy business, passed down through the family, or to ultimately be sold to others, providing financial resources for the owners to benefit themselves, their family, and often charitable causes.


Our succession planning professionals help clients identify long-term objectives and develop strategies consistent with accomplishing them. The succession planning process for the multi-generational business also considers the unique dynamics of family relationships in making recommendation for passing control from one generation to the next.


We have the experience creating the strategic succession plans that assure business continuity—and mutual benefit for key parties involved.


Our succession planning services include:


  • Determining how to effectively and fairly treat family members involved in the business—and those who are not

  • Assistance with merger and acquisition strategies

  • Tax planning to maximize ultimate value to owners

  • Strategies to optimize value in the few years leading up to the sale

  • Periodic re-evaluation and refinement of existing plans

  • Advice on when to transfer asset ownership versus the transfer of control

  • Managing inter-generational conflict

  • Helping to maintain focus on the financial needs of initial owners during the transition planning


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